Lifetime oriented maintenance planning in the Netherlands

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review


    In this paper we set up a framework for lifetime oriented maintenance planning as an outcome and input for strategic housing stock management. The maintenance planning holds maintenance activities and costs in the longer term. We consider the maintenance planning as a tool to calculate and implement maintenance strategies. Therefore we designed a model to derive maintenance strategies from housing complex strategies. Maintenance strategies depend on the desired or expected lifetime of buildings and desired performances of building components. In this way the likelihood of loss of capital is reduced and property owners can carry out maintenance and improvement in a sustainable manner. By adopting a condition-dependent approach to maintenance, property owners can exercise control over the actual and desired maintenance performance levels and costs over its lifetime. A precondition is that the maintenance management system is capable of being used as a policy instrument. Advanced maintenance management systems enable users to calculate maintenance performance levels and lifetime costs based on the condition of building components after executing maintenance work.
    Original languageUndefined/Unknown
    Title of host publicationIntegrated Life-time Engineering of Buildings and Civil Infrastructures; 2nd International Symposium ILCDES 2003
    Place of PublicationHelsinki
    PublisherAssociation of Finnish Civil Engineers RIL
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Print)951-758-436-9
    Publication statusPublished - 2003
    EventKuopio, Finland - Helsinki
    Duration: 1 Dec 20033 Dec 2003

    Publication series

    PublisherAssociation of Finnish Civil Engineers RIL


    ConferenceKuopio, Finland


    • Conf.proc. > 3 pag

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