Localising urbanisation trajectories: comparing the emergence of second-tier urban regions in Europe 1890-2011

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    This paper compares the emergence of urban regions around European second-tier cities based on population data between 1890 and 2011. It asks whether a characteristic trajectory of formation exists for those urban regions distinguishing them from the centrifugal growth typical of the early expansion stages of larger cities. The results are consistent with existing research and contribute to a spatial-historical characterisation of second-tier urban region formation. Their dominant long-term urbanisation mode lies somewhere between centrifugal and polycentric models of development, suggesting a more nuanced interpretation of urbanisation timelines and stressing the legacy of past urban growth in current urbanisation dynamics.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)223-246
    Number of pages24
    JournalUrban Research & Practice
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • second-tier cities
    • urban regions
    • demographic change
    • extensive urbanisation


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