LoRaWAN Class B Multicast Scalability

Yonatan Shiferaw, Apoorva Arora, Fernando Kuipers

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)
566 Downloads (Pure)


LoRaWAN has emerged as a popular IoT commu- nications technology. It comes with three classes of operation: A, B, and C. Although many IoT use-cases, like Firmware-over- the-Air updates, require multicast, Class A cannot be used for that purpose. Class C can, but consumes a lot of energy. This leaves Class B. In this paper, we investigate Class B multicast and its scalability properties. Issues like multicast member capacity, beacon blocking, and beacon collisions are highlighted, and several approaches to mitigate them are proposed: (1) “Ping-Slot Relaying,” to allow for more multicast members, (2) a scheduling approach indicating when to best send multicast packets, and (3) “Dynamic Region Formation” to coordinate the sending of beacons over multiple gateways. The proposed solutions do not require any modifications to the LoRaWAN protocol.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIFIP Networking 2020 Conference and Workshops, Networking 2020
Number of pages5
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-903176-28-7
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Event19th International IFIP TC6 Networking Conference, Networking 2020 - Paris, France
Duration: 22 Jun 202025 Jun 2020
Conference number: 19

Publication series

NameIFIP Networking 2020 Conference and Workshops, Networking 2020


Conference19th International IFIP TC6 Networking Conference, Networking 2020
Abbreviated titleNetworking 2020
OtherVirtual/online event due to COVID-19

Bibliographical note

Virtual/online event due to COVID-19
accepted author manuscript


  • IoT
  • LoRaWAN Class B
  • Multicast


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