Main controls on natural fracture distribution in the Lower Triassic sandstones of the West Netherlands Basin

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In this study, a re-evaluation is performed of the well data of the NLW-GT-01 and VAL-01 wells in the Lower Triassic sandstones in the West Netherlands Basin. Core, geophysical and image logs, are compared to document the characteristics of natural fractures distribution, and investigate the geological parameters influencing their development. The main control on the distribution is identified. Natural fractures are concentrated in heterolithic lithological intervals of the VAL-01 and NLW-GT-01 wells. The identification of more fractures in VAL-01 compared to NLW-GT-01 can be explained by the difference in basin location. VAL-01 was located in the centre of the basin where distal playa environments produced fine-grained material alternating with coarser sands. The more proximal NLW-GT-01 was dominated by fluvial sands. The lithological variability produces Young’s modulus variability that seems to be driving increased fracture density rather than that the absolute value of the Young’s modulus. These fluctuations could be the result of concentrated compressional stress, which is supported by the existence of stylolites, indicative of high compressional stresses in the same intervals. The identification of controls on fracture distribution in the targeted stratigraphic interval can be used to optimize the planning of future geothermal doublets and to de-risk upcoming operations.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event84th EAGE ANNUAL Conference and Exhibition 2023 - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 5 Jun 20238 Jun 2023
Conference number: 84


Conference84th EAGE ANNUAL Conference and Exhibition 2023
Abbreviated titleEAGE 2023


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