Method for producing aldehydes and ketones from primary and secondary alcohols

U Dingerdissen (Inventor), J Pfeffer (Inventor), T Tacke (Inventor), T Haas (Inventor), H Schmidt (Inventor), F Klasovsky (Inventor), RA Sheldon (Inventor), MHA Janssen (Inventor), M Volland (Inventor), M Rimbach (Inventor), S Rinker (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2011/0251399 A1
IPCAanvrager: Evonik Degussa Gmbhmet NHRWO opgevoerd in 2010
Priority date13/10/11
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Bibliographical note

Aanvrager: Evonik Degussa Gmbh
met NHR
WO opgevoerd in 2010


  • Geen BTA classificatie
  • Geen VSNU-classificatie

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