Mode-{I, III} multiaxial fatigue of welded joints in steel maritime structures: Total stress based resistance incorporating strength and mechanism contributions

Gabriele Bufalari, Henk den Besten*, Jeong Kyun Hong, Miroslaw Lech Kaminski

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Arc-welded joints in steel maritime structures are typically identified as weakest links in terms of fatigue limit state performance. Multiaxiality can be involved, consisting of predominant mode-I and non-negligible mode-III components. Aiming to answer the question if a cracked geometry based fatigue strength parameter would outperform an intact geometry based one like the effective notch stress, the total stress is adopted. A von Mises type of criterion is defined at the critical fracture plane and includes mode specific and material characteristic strength and mechanism contributions. A lifetime dependent shear strength coefficient is introduced to cover the resistance curves intercepts and slopes, whereas the total stress parameter contains the mean stress contribution as well as the (mixed) mode dependent notch and crack tip elastoplasticity coefficients, reflecting an interaction mechanism. Cycle counting includes a cycle-by-cycle non-proportionality measure and damage accumulation is based on a linear model. Evaluating mid-cycle fatigue resistance data, the total stress and effective notch stress performance turns out to be similar. However, the total stress related elastoplasticity coefficients are an explicit and sensitive measure to incorporate the actual physics of the fatigue damage process, whereas the material characteristic lengths for the effective notch stress seem to be more implicit and less sensitive ones.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108499
Number of pages23
JournalInternational Journal of Fatigue
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Fatigue
  • Multiaxiality
  • Strength and mechanism
  • Total stress
  • Welded joints


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