Modeling of the chloride diffusivity of ultra-high performance concrete with a multi-scale scheme

Chunping Gu*, Guang Ye, Qiannan Wang, Wei Sun

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11 Citations (Scopus)


The chloride diffusivity of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is the key parameter that determines the service life of UHPC structures in chloride environments. In this study, a multi-scale model, which considered the structural information at micro and meso-scale, was proposed to predict macro property, i.e. chloride diffusivity, of UHPC. At micro-scale, the chloride diffusivity of UHPC paste was predicted based on an extended HYMOSTRUC3D model and a finite element method. At meso-scale, Anm model and finite element method were applied to calculate the chloride diffusivity of UHPC mortar. At macro-scale, the chloride diffusivity of UHPC was determined with a two phase model. The chloride diffusivity at a lower scale was used as input to predict the chloride diffusivity at the higher scale. Non-steady chloride diffusion tests were performed to validate the proposed model. The results showed that the proposed multi-scale model gave a little higher chloride diffusivity of UHPC than experiment results. However, the proposed model is still helpful for the durability design of UHPC structure in chloride environments.
Original languageEnglish
Article number055002
Number of pages21
JournalModelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Anm model
  • chloride diffusivity
  • multi-scale model
  • ultra-high performance concrete


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