Modelling of autogenous shrinkage of hardening cement paste

Tianshi Lu, Zhenming Li, Klaas van Breugel

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In recent decades, several simulation models have been proposed to predict autogenous shrinkage of cementitious systems. In most of these models, however, only the elastic deformation caused by self-desiccation of the hydrating cement paste is considered. In fact, cement paste is not an ideal elastic material. Also the time-dependent deformation, i.e. creep, has been proposed an important component of autogenous shrinkage, especially at the early age. In this study, a simulation model for autogenous deformation is proposed, which includes an elastic part and a time-dependent part. The time-dependent part of this model is based on the activation energy concept. The capillary tension is considered as the driving force of the autogenous shrinkages. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the prediction with the proposed model, CEM I and CEM III/B pastes are studied in this paper. The simulated autogenous shrinkages are compared with experimental results.

Original languageEnglish
Article number120708
Pages (from-to)1-13
Number of pages13
JournalConstruction and Building Materials
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Activation energy
  • Autogenous shrinkage
  • Blast furnace slag
  • Cement
  • Creep
  • Modelling


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