Modular Web Portal Approach for Stimulating Home Renovation: Lessons from Local Authority Developments

M. Kwon, E. Mlecnik

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Web portals have the potential to promote sustainable environmental ideas due to the capacity of digital media, such as easy accessibility, openness, and networking. Local authorities (LAs) are responsible for activating carbon savings in homes, and they are key actors when it comes to providing neutral information to their citizens. Local authority web portals may thus create environmental awareness, particularly regarding owner-occupied single-family home renovation. Nevertheless, the experiences of LAs developing web portals have rarely been studied. Therefore, this paper analyses the development process of various LA web modules and investigates how LAs foster modular web portals to stimulate the adoption of home renovation with parameters to assess LAs’ actions in terms of the management of web-modules development. A homeowner renovation journey model is applied to map current local authority developments. Case study research and interviews were done to analyse and evaluate the adoption of modular web portals developed and tested by six local authorities in four countries in Europe. Based on the development and use of the modular web portal, lessons have been derived emphasising the importance of co-creation, integrating with offline activities, and a strategic management plan
Original languageEnglish
Article number1270
Number of pages14
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Home renovation
  • Homeowner renovation journey
  • Homeowner-oriented approach
  • Local authorities
  • Modular web portal
  • Policy instrument


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