Nanofluidic ion-exchange membranes: Can their conductance compete with polymeric ion-exchange membranes?

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Nanofluidic membranes (NFMs) are gaining prominence as alternative ion-exchange membranes, because of their distinct selectivity mechanism, which does not rely on functional groups on a polymeric backbone but rather on charged nanopores that allow straight ion-conductive pathways for efficient ion transport. We measured the conductivity of commercial anodized aluminum oxide membranes with different pore sizes under different current densities and electrolyte concentrations. We also simulated a nanopore channel with charged walls between two electrolyte reservoirs. Our findings indicate that electrolyte concentration is the main parameter that determines NFM conductivity, with a linear dependence at least up to 1 M. Our study shows that the optimal pore length is between 0.5 and 5 μm considering the trade-off between selectivity and conductance. On the other hand, the conductance is not sensitive to the pore diameter. Conical nanopores are a way to increase conductance, but according to our results, this increase comes at the expense of selectivity. Our findings suggest that NFMs can outperform polymeric ion-exchange membranes in certain electrochemical applications, such as reverse electrodialysis, but not in applications that use low electrolyte concentrations on both sides of the membrane.

Original languageEnglish
Article number123238
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Membrane Science
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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