Nanophotonic quantum network node with neutral atoms and an integrated telecom interface

Shankar G. Menon, Kevin Singh, Johannes Borregaard, Hannes Bernien*

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The realization of a long-distance, distributed quantum network based on quantum memory nodes that are linked by photonic channels remains an outstanding challenge. We propose a quantum network node based on neutral alkali atoms coupled to nanophotonic crystal cavities that combines a long-lived memory qubit with a photonic interface at the telecom range, thereby enabling the long-distance distribution of entanglement over low loss optical fibers. We present a novel protocol for the generation of an atom-photon entangled state which uses telecom transitions between excited states of the alkali atoms. We analyze the realistic implementation of this protocol using rubidium and cesium atoms taking into account the full atomic level structure and properties of the nanophotonic crystal cavity. We find that a high fidelity entangled state can be generated with current technologies.

Original languageEnglish
Article number073033
Number of pages12
JournalNew Journal of Physics
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • nanophotonics
  • neutral atom qubits
  • quantum network


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