New capillary number definition for displacement of residual nonwetting phase in natural fractures

B. I. AlQuaimi*, W. R. Rossen

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We propose a new capillary number for flow in fractures starting with a force balance on a trapped ganglion in a fracture. The new definition is validated with laboratory experiments using five distinctive model fractures. Capillary desaturation curves were generated experimentally using water-air forced imbibition. The residual saturation-capillary number relationship obtained from different fractures, which vary in aperture and roughness, can be represented approximately by a single curve in terms of the new definition of the capillary number. They do not fit a single trend using the conventional definition of the capillary number.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5368-5373
Number of pages6
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2017


  • capillary number
  • desaturation curve
  • flow in fracture
  • trapping in fracture


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