New Methods, Reflections and Application Domains in Transport Appraisal

N. Mouter (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook editingScientificpeer-review

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New Methods, Reflections and Application Domains in Transport Appraisal, Volume 7 in the Advances in Transport Policy and Planning series, assesses both successful and unsuccessful practices and policies from around the world. Chapters in this new release include Evaluating transport equity, Participatory Value Evaluation, Sustainability assessment of transport policies, plans and projects, Deliberative appraisal methods, Appraisal methods of public transport projects, Appraisal of cycling and pedestrian projects, Appraisal of Freight Project, Project appraisal methods: tools for optimizing or for informed political debate?, and Research agenda for appraisal methods.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherAcademic Press
Number of pages234
ISBN (Electronic)9780323855600
ISBN (Print)9780323855594
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Publication series

NameAdvances in Transport Policy and Planning
PublisherAcademic Press

Bibliographical note

accepted author manuscript


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