Nonlinear dynamics of wing-like structures using a momentum subspace-based Koiter-Newton reduction

Kautuk Sinha*, Farbod Alijani, Wolf R. Krüger, Roeland De Breuker

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Cantilevers find a wide range of applications in the design of scientific equipment and large-scale engineering structures such as aircraft wings. Analysis techniques based on linearization approximations are unable to capture the large amplitude oscillation behaviour of such structures and thus, necessitates development of dedicated nonlinear methods. In this work, the recent developments in the Koiter-Newton model reduction method are utilized to obtain nonlinear reduced order models (ROMs) from full finite element structural models in order to simulate large amplitude dynamics of cantilevers. The method describes a nonlinear system of governing equations comprising quadratic and cubic terms which are obtained as higher order derivatives of the in-plane strain energy. To ensure that the large rotations in cantilevers and the resultant foreshortening effect is also accounted for, a ROM updating algorithm is adopted where the ROM parameters are varied with the structural deflections. Linear eigenmodes of the structure are utilized to form the reduction subspace. To validate the methodology, the ROM solution is compared against experimental results and a convergence study is conducted to identify the number of modes needed to replicate the nonlinear response. Finally, a composite wingbox structure is considered for which time domain simulations are conducted and frequency response curves, obtained through a frequency sweep, are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Article number118747
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Sound and Vibration
Publication statusPublished - 2025


  • Aircraft wing
  • Cantilevers
  • Nonlinear dynamics
  • Reduced order models


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