Novel process design for eco-efficient production of green formic acid from CO2

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The valorisation of green hydrogen and captured CO2 to produce chemicals or energy carriers holds immense potential to reduce GHG emissions. Among them, formic acid (FA) is an essential chemical with diverse applications and a growing market demand. Furthermore, due to liquidity at ambient conditions and its chemical stability, it is a promising hydrogen carrier. However, its direct thermochemical synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation still faces significant challenges due to a high thermodynamic barrier. This study presents a novel and eco-efficient process design for a 50 kta FA production from CO2 and green H2. Initially, CO2 is converted to CO as an intermediate compound that undergoes a carbonylation reaction with methanol to form methyl formate, which is then hydrolysed into FA. The major challenges of this new proposed process lie in the purification of CO and the energy-intensive downstream separation of FA. The former is addressed by using the COPure™ technology, which combines chemical and physical absorption, while the latter requires the use of process intensification techniques to minimize the energy and capital expenses. The newly designed process achieves high molar yields of 95 % for CO2 and 96 % for H2 with a specific energy intensity of 21.8 MJ/kg of FA. Notably, the CO2 emissions can be reduced by almost half as compared to the existing FA synthesis from fossil fuels, coupled with a 64 % reduction in electricity usage and 20 % decrease in steam requirements.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)425-436
Number of pages12
JournalChemical Engineering Research and Design
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2024


  • CO2 valorisation
  • Dividing wall column
  • Process design
  • Process intensification


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