On-chip actuation for waveguide alignment

Marcel Tichem, Tjitte-Jelte Peters, Kai Wu

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Recent decades have seen impressive developments in the field of integrated
photonics. Chips with complex photonic functionality can presently be designed
and fabricated. Photonic packages consist of one or more PICs, as well as other
(micro-optical) components, and a fibre (array) to establish the external optical
interface. A core challenge is the assembly and packaging of these complex
devices, involving sub-μm alignment of components. To overcome the
limitations in multi-chip photonic packaging, a concept is proposed which uses
on-chip actuators for the fine-alignment of flexible waveguide structures.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)38-41
JournalMikroniek: vakblad voor precisie-technologie
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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