Orbital and Spin Dynamics of Single Neutrally-Charged Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond

S. Baier, C.E. Bradley, T. Middelburg, V.V. Dobrovitski, T.H. Taminiau, R. Hanson

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The neutral charge state plays an important role in quantum information and sensing applications basedon nitrogen-vacancy centers. However, the orbital and spin dynamics remain unexplored. Here, we useresonant excitation of single centers to directly reveal the fine structure, enabling selective addressing ofspin-orbit states. Through pump-probe experiments, we find the orbital relaxation time (430 ns at 4.7 K)and measure its temperature dependence up to 11.8 K. Finally, we reveal the spin relaxation time (1.5 s) andrealize projective high-fidelity single-shot readout of the spin state (≥98%).
Original languageEnglish
Article number193601
Number of pages6
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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