Pathways of Dutch and German Social Renting

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeChapterScientific


The pathways that Dutch and German housing policies took in the past decades resulted in two different rental markets. The Dutch policies have delivered the largest social rental sector in the Western world, while Germany has produced one of the largest private rental sectors in Europe. The latter implies that officially no social rental sector is operating in Germany, but a private rental sector of which some suppliers of housing are temporarily subsidized. On the other hand, social rental dwellings in the Netherlands are owned by non-profit organizations, whose public task is to provide affordable housing for those in need. Even though the systems of social renting are different, both countries had moved from providing affordable rental housing to large segments of the population to a more targeted system and from a nationally implemented to a more locally implemented policy. In the past decade, the Netherlands has effectively been limiting the supply of social rental housing, Germany is offering extra subsidies to increase the supply of affordable housing.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHousing Partnerships
EditorsSasha Tsenkova
Place of PublicationCalgary, Canada
PublisherUniversity of Calgary
Number of pages14
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-88953-4254
ISBN (Print)978-0-88953-4247
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Publication series

NameCities, policy & planning research series


  • affordable housing
  • housing affordability
  • housing policy
  • housing tenure
  • tenure neutrality


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