Personal Data Protection as a Nonfunctional Requirement in the Smart City’s Development

Lorenzo Dalla Corte, Bastiaan van Loenen, Colette Cuijpers

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

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    “Smart city” is a buzzword, highly hyped up and evading a unitary characterisation. Its blurriness is highlighted by the broad array of definitions with which academic and corporate literature have attempted at delineating the notion. This paper derives from the elaboration of several definitions that have been given to the concept of smart city. It maintains that a smart city is, succinctly, the specific set of practices and design choices underlying the instrumentation and digitalisation of the urban environment.
    Technology, however, is inherently political, and has regulatory capacity. Following the principle of Data Protection by Design, we argue for the conceptualisation of the right to personal data protection as a nonfunctional requirement to be applied to the instrumentation of the built environment – to the so-called smart city.
    This paper aims at contributing to the delineation of the scope and definition of the notion of smart city and of its driving values. Its goal is to frame the concept of data protection as naturally belonging to the smart city’s teleology – to the stack of values and goals that the smart city concept aims at achieving or safeguarding.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 13th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics
    Subtitle of host publicationManaging Risk In the Digital Society
    EditorsBenjamí Anglès Juanpere, Joan Balcells Padullés
    Place of PublicationBarcelona
    PublisherHuygens Editorial
    ISBN (Print)978-84-697-4474-1
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    Event13th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics - Barcelona, Spain
    Duration: 29 Jun 201730 Jun 2017


    Conference13th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics


    • smart city
    • data protection
    • open data


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