Phase Coded Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar System

Faruk Uysal (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The invention is related to a method of detecting an object with a Phase Coded Frequency-Modulated-Continuous-Wave (PC-FMCW) radar system, the method comprising: (a) generating an initial signal in a signal generator; (b) generating a coded signal by modulating the initial signal; (c) generating a transmission signal by modulating a carrier signal with the coded signal; (d) transmitting the transmission signal; (e) receiving a reflected signal, the reflected signal having been reflected from the object; (f) generating an uncoded transmission signal by modulating a carrier signal with the initial signal; (g) generating a received signal by demodulating the reflected signal with the uncoded transmission signal; (h) generating a corrected received signal by filtering the received signal with a group delay filter; (i) generating a decoded signal by modulating the corrected received signal with a decoding signal; (j) determining a range of the object from the decoded signal. The invention is furthermore related to a PC-FMCW radar system for detecting distance and relative velocity of a target, comprising a group delay filter.
Original languageEnglish
Priority date8/02/19
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Bibliographical note

Patent: OCT-19-002
Applicant: TU Delft


  • Radar


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