Photothermal optical coherence microscopy for studying lipid architecture in human carotid arteries

Aaron Doug Deen, Antonio Lopez-Marin, Jonas J.M. Riksen, Antonius F.W. Van Der Steen, Gijs Van Soest*

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Photothermal optical coherence microscopy (PT-OCM) combines the high-resolution, label-free morphological imaging of OCM with the ability to discriminate tissue composition through phase-sensitive photothermal imaging. In this study, we perform 2D imaging of human carotid endarterectomies to spectrally determine lipid distribution, with verification via histologically stained samples. The structural information from OCM is combined with the spectral information gained from measuring the resulting sample surface displacement from thermoelastic expansion, following light irradiation. PT-OCM is thus demonstrated as a potential tool in the investigation of atherosclerotic plaque lipids, contributing towards the understanding of plaque instability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6654-6669
Number of pages16
JournalBiomedical Optics Express
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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