Practice reconfigurations around heat pumps in and beyond Dutch households

Evert van Beek*, Stella Boess, Alessandro Bozzon, Elisa Giaccardi

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Domestic heating systems need to change to meet climate targets. We draw on practice theoretical concepts to understand what is needed to integrate heat pumps in Dutch households. From a design orientation, we view households as creative actors integrating technologies into daily life. We report on an ethnographic study of the disruptions and resulting reconfigurations that occur when heat pumps are introduced in Dutch households. Our findings reveal a variety of practice reconfigurations around heat pumps. We also find that these reconfigurations are related to and may influence other practices, including professional practices. We discuss our findings in relation to policy, technology development, and design, and conclude that the required reconfigurations in Dutch household practices could be supported, and that innovative practice reconfigurations emerging from internal household dynamics could contribute to sustainability transitions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100903
Number of pages16
JournalEnvironmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Design
  • Energy transition
  • Ethnography
  • Heat pumps
  • Household
  • Netherlands
  • Social practices


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