Rapid Detection of Coherent Tunneling in an InAs Nanowire Quantum Dot through Dispersive Gate Sensing

Damaz De Jong, Jasper Van Veen, Luca Binci, Amrita Singh, Peter Krogstrup, Leo P. Kouwenhoven, Wolfgang Pfaff, John D. Watson

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Dispersive sensing is a powerful technique that enables scalable and high-fidelity readout of solid-state quantum bits. In particular, gate-based dispersive sensing has been proposed as the readout mechanism for future topological qubits, which can be measured by single electrons tunneling through zero-energy modes. The development of such a readout requires resolving the coherent charge tunneling amplitude from a quantum dot in a Majorana-zero-mode host system faithfully on short time scales. Here, we demonstrate rapid single-shot detection of a coherent single-electron tunneling amplitude between InAs nanowire quantum dots. We realize a sensitive dispersive detection circuit by connecting a sub-GHz, lumped-element microwave resonator to a high-lever arm gate on one of the dots. The resulting large dot-resonator coupling leads to an observed dispersive shift that is of the order of the resonator linewidth at charge degeneracy. This shift enables us to differentiate between Coulomb blockade and resonance - corresponding to the scenarios expected for qubit-state readout - with a signal-to-noise ratio exceeding 2 for an integration time of 1μs. Our result paves the way for single-shot measurements of fermion parity on microsecond time scales in topological qubits.

Original languageEnglish
Article number044061
Number of pages6
JournalPhysical Review Applied
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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