Reduced dynamic and kinematic precise orbit determination for the Swarm mission from 4 years of GPS tracking

Oliver Montenbruck*, Stefan Hackel, Jose van den Ijssel, Daniel Arnold

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61 Citations (Scopus)


Precise science orbits for the first 4 years of the Swarm mission have been generated from onboard GPS measurements in a systematic reprocessing using refined models and processing techniques. Key enhancements relate to the introduction of macro-models for a more elaborate non-gravitational force modeling (solar radiation pressure, atmospheric drag and lift, earth albedo), as well as carrier phase ambiguity fixing. Validation using satellite laser ranging demonstrates a 30% improvement in the precision of the reduced dynamic orbits with resulting errors at the 0.5–1 cm level (1D RMS). A notable performance improvement is likewise achieved for the kinematic orbits, which benefit most from the ambiguity fixing and show a 50% error reduction in terms of SLR residuals while differences with respect to reduced dynamic ephemerides amount to only 1.7 cm (median of daily 3D RMS). Compared to the past kinematic science orbits based on float-ambiguity estimates, the new kinematic position solutions exhibit a factor of reduction of two to three in Allan deviation at time scales of 1000s and higher, and promise an improved recovery of low-degree and -order gravity field coefficients in Swarm gravity field analyses.

Original languageEnglish
Article number79
Number of pages11
JournalGPS Solutions
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2018


  • Ambiguity fixing
  • GPS
  • Non-gravitational forces
  • POD
  • SLR


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