Reliability analysis using a multi-metamodel complement-basis approach

Rui Teixeira*, Beatriz Martinez-Pastor, Maria Nogal, Alan O'Connor

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The present work discusses an innovative approach to metamodeling in reliability that uses a field-transversal rationale. Adaptive metamodeling in reliability is characterized by its large spectra of models and techniques with different assumptions. As a result, the reliability engineer is frequently faced with the highly challenging task of selecting an appropriate model or technique with limited a priori knowledge about the performance function that defines the problem of reliability. To tackle this challenge, a complement-basis is proposed for adaptive metamodeling. It consists in using a batch of multiple metamodels or techniques that, accordingly to an activation criterion, are selected to solve the reliability analysis. This activation is set to depend on the model synergy with the problem in-hand. In the present work the leave-one-out loss is applied as evaluator of compatibility, and results show that the absolute loss successfully performs as an activator. A metamodel-independent learning approach and stopping criterion are implemented to study the proposed approach in five representative examples. Results show that the complement-basis allows to increase the efficiency of the reliability analysis through the selection of adequate metamodels, which is indicative of the untapped potential that further transversal research may add to metamodeling in reliability analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107248
Number of pages16
JournalReliability Engineering and System Safety
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • adaptive metamodeling
  • complement-basis
  • Kriging
  • multiple metamodel selection
  • polynomial chaos expansion
  • reliability analysis
  • response surface method


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