Requirements Based Design of the LADM Edition II

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This paper examines the requirements based design of the LADM Edition II. The requirements are the starting point for the Abstract Test Suite (ATS, Annex A in an ISO standard). The requirements/ATS can be used to assess if a given LADM country profile with a specific application schema is conformant with the LADM standard. The requirements are a new aspect of ISO standards and this offers several benefits:

1. requirements express explicitly the needs from experts in the domain,
2. requirements are a very concise manner to describe the content of the standard,
3. requirements are used to introduce of the actual standard content (in the case of LADM, part of the UML class diagram), and as mentioned above,
4. requirements form the basis of the ATS.

This paper describes the new structure of the second edition of the standard and the capabilities of this new edition, which is organized in multiple Parts (standards addressing a specific part of the scope) and Packages (groups of conceptually closely related classes, i.e. with relative high number of associations between the classes from one package compared to the number of cross package associations), with a particular attention to the requirements and design related decisions taken in the revision process.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication11th International FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model & 3D Land Administration (LADM2023)
EditorsPeter van Oosterom, Jesper M. Paasch
PublisherInternational Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-93914-09-4
ISBN (Print)978-87-93914-08-7
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event11th International FIG Workshop on LADM & 3D LA -, Gävle, Sweden
Duration: 11 Oct 202313 Oct 2023


Conference11th International FIG Workshop on LADM & 3D LA


  • LADM
  • ISO
  • 3D


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