Resilience indicators: opportunities for including distributive justice concerns in disaster management

Neelke Doorn*

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This paper presents a systematic review of the concept of resilience in the field of disaster management, with a focus on the use of indicators and the inclusion of social justice considerations. The literature is reviewed with reference to various definitions of resilience, the relation between concepts of resilience and vulnerability, the conceptualization of resilience and the use of indicators, and the inclusion of social justice issues. The analysis shows that different disciplines employ various definitions of resilience and conceptions of its relation to vulnerability. Although recognized as important, distributive issues are not currently addressed in the literature. As a result, we lack a clear sense of what equality or distributive justice should mean in the context of resilience and disaster management. An approach based on capabilities is proposed as a promising way forward.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)711-731
JournalJournal of Risk Research
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • disaster management
  • ethics
  • indicators
  • justice
  • resilience


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