Revealing features and peculiarities of a nonlinear gradient elasticity model for seismic waves prediction

Andrei B. Fărăgău, Marten Hollm, Leo Dostal, Karel N. van Dalen

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The authors have previously introduced a novel gradient elasticity model for seismic wave predictions. The said model combines (i) the higher-order gradient terms that capture the influence of small-scale soil heterogeneity and/or microstructure and (ii) the nonlinear softening soil behaviour through the use of the hyperbolic soil model. The current study presents an in-depth analysis of the proposed model. The findings indicate that as nonlinearity increases, the bulk of the wave slows down, and its shape becomes more distorted in comparison to the response of the linear system. Furthermore, the wavenumber spectrum of the nonlinear-elastic response presents peaks at large wavenumbers. However, these are eliminated when a small amount of linear viscous damping is added indicating that they are not physically relevant. One model feature that does not disappear with the presence of damping is the formation of small-amplitude waves travelling in the opposite direction to the main wave. These findings shed light on the characteristics of the proposed nonlinear gradient elasticity model and its applicability for predicting the seismic site response.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Event11th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference 2024 - TU Delft Aula Congress Centre, Delft, Netherlands
Duration: 22 Jul 202426 Jul 2024


Conference11th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference 2024
Abbreviated titleENOC2024
Internet address


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