Road Infrastructure Requirements for Improved Performance of Lane Assistance Systems

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There is a pressing need for road authorities to take a proactive role in the deployment of automated vehicles on the existing road network. This requires a comprehensive understanding of the road infrastructure requirements that would lead to safe operation of automated vehicles. In this context, a field test with Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keeping Systems-enabled vehicles was conducted in the province of North Holland, The Netherlands. The performance of these automated systems was evaluated using performance indicators such as Mean Lateral Position and Standard Deviation of Lane Position. In this study, the Systems Theoretic Accident Modelling and Processes (STAMP) model was adopted to understand the relationships between the various components of the “Road System”, which in this study include the road authority, the automated vehicle system, elements of the road infrastructure, and weather conditions. Empirical data from the experiment is used to estimate the relationships between the different components, followed by the assessment of their impact on the performance of the automated vehicles. It was found that visibility conditions have a significant effect on detection performance, which worsens in rainy conditions especially under streetlights. It has been also observed that there is a significant difference in Lane Position between Left Curves and Straight sections, and between lane widths less than 250 cms and those that have larger widths. These findings are combined with the results from the STAMP analysis to formulate a set of road infrastructure requirements that would lead to safe performance of Lane Assistance Systems.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventTransportation Research Board Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C., United States
Duration: 12 Jan 202016 Jan 2020


ConferenceTransportation Research Board Annual Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityWashington, D.C.


  • Automated Driving
  • Lane Assistance Systems
  • Systems Theory
  • Systems Theoretic Accident Modeling and Processes (STAMP)
  • Infrastructure effects
  • Road design


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