Scour hole development in tidal areas with a heterogenous subsoil lithology

hilde koopmans, Y Huismans, Wim Uijttewaal

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractScientific


Scale model tests show that the natural tendency of scour holes in heterogeneous subsoil and unidirectional flow is to grow in downstream direction, with a stable upstream slope and undermining of the downstream edge. The initial depth development is fast, gradually decreasing towards an equilibrium depth. Field data of two recently developed scour holes show for one case a similar development. For the other case, scour hole growth mainly proceeds in the dominant upstream direction. Differences may be linked to the presence of tide, horizontal heterogeneity of the poorly erodible layer, the influence of a nearby confluence or scaling effects. This will be further investigated
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event10th Symposium on River coastal and estuarine morphodynamics: Back to Italy - Trento - Padova, Italy
Duration: 15 Sept 201722 Sept 2017
Conference number: 10


Conference10th Symposium on River coastal and estuarine morphodynamics
Abbreviated titleRCEM2017
CityTrento - Padova
Internet address

Bibliographical note

Host publication:The 10th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Trento-Padova, 15-22 September 2017, Book of Abstracts

Editors: Lanzoni, S., Redolfi, M., Zolezzi, G.
ISBN (Print): 978-88-8443-752-5


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