Second flexural and torsional modes of vibration in suspended microfluidic resonator for liquid density measurements

Pierpaolo Belardinelli, Savio D Souza, Eleonoor Verlinden, Jia Wei, Urs Staufer, Farbod Alijani, Murali Ghatkesar

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Suspended microfluidic resonators enable detection of fluid density and viscosity with high sensitivity. Here, a two-legged suspended microchannel resonator that probes pico-litres of liquid is presented. The higher resonant modes (flexural and torsional) were explored for increased sensitivity and resolution. Unlike other reported microchannel resonators, this device showed an increase in the quality factor with resonant frequency value. The performance of the resonator was tested by filling the channel with three liquids, one at a time, over a density range of 779 - 1110 Kg/m^3 and a viscosity range of 0.89 - 16.2 mPa.s. The highest resolution obtained was 0.011% change in density. Measurements with torsional mode showed an improvement of about six times in sensitivity and about fifteen times in resolution compared to the first flexural mode. When the empty channel was filled with liquids of different viscosity, the quality factor of the first flexural mode remained overall constant with a variation below 3.3% between the fluids, and confirming the inherent property of suspended microchannel resonators. However, it significantly decreased for second flexural and torsional modes. No noticeable difference was observed in the quality factor between different liquid viscosities for all modes.
Original languageEnglish
Article number055003
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • suspended microchannel resonator
  • micro uidic cantilever
  • hollow microcantilever
  • resonance frequency
  • quality factor
  • density measurement


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