ShoreScape: sustainable co-evolution of the natural and built environment along sandy shores

K.M. Wijnberg, Steffen Nijhuis, SJMH Hulscher, Janneke van Bergen, Han Meijer, B. Hoonhout, M. Janssen, J.D. Hoekstra, A.V. de Groot, P. Goessen, C. van Gelder-Maas

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractScientific

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The land-sea interface is a very attractive location for humans to settle. In the case of low lying, sedimentary coastlines this can be a risky location, as these shorelines are inherently dynamic in nature. Accelerating rates of relative sea level rise will increase coastal erosion, creating world-wide growing demands for coastal protection along urbanized shores. Starting point of this project is that the key to sustainably adapt to this situation is to be found in smart, pro-active sediment management using ‘building-with-nature’ (BwN) approaches, rather than in traditional reactive approaches involving expansion of static, hard coastal defense structures.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventNCK days 2017 - Den Helder, Netherlands
Duration: 15 Mar 201717 Mar 2017


ConferenceNCK days 2017
CityDen Helder


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