Spectral polarimetric radar clutter suppression to enhance atmospheric echoes

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    39 Citations (Scopus)


    The clutter present in the Doppler spectra of atmospheric targets can be removed by using polarimetry. The purpose is to suppress the Doppler velocity bins where spectral polarimetric parameters have atypical values. This procedure largely improves profiles of moments and polarimetric parameters of atmospheric targets. Several spectral polarimetric clutter-reduction techniques, which are based on thresholding and intended for real-time processing, are discussed in this paper. A new method, the double spectral linear depolarization ratio clutter-suppression technique, is proposed. Very satisfactory performances are obtained with this method, which can be used in the full range of elevations (0°¿90°). Spectral polarimetric clutter-suppression techniques for real-time processing were studied for the S-band high-resolution Transportable Atmospheric Radar (TARA) profiler. For this study, precipitation, cloud, and clear-air scattering are considered examples of atmospheric echoes. After successful testing in 2008, the double spectral linear depolarization ratio filter was implemented in the real-time processing of the X-band scanning drizzle radar (IDRA).
    Original languageUndefined/Unknown
    Pages (from-to)1781-1797
    Number of pages17
    JournalJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
    Issue number9
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • popular journal papers
    • CWTS 0.75 <= JFIS < 2.00

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