Speed up to safe interactions: The effects of intersection design and road users’ behaviour on the interaction between cyclists and car drivers

C.W.A.E. Pouwels-Duivenvoorden

Research output: ThesisDissertation (TU Delft)

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It is a disquieting development that globally the number of casualties among vulnerable road users when interacting with motorised traffic is increasing. Although a vast and fast growing amount of research addresses cycling safety, the majority of studies address cycling in urban area. Little attention has been paid so far to cycling safety in rural area and in particular the interaction between cyclists and car drivers at rural intersections. Hospital data show that safety problems exist in the Netherlands that are related to cycling occurs in rural area, especially at intersections where cyclists meet with motorised traffic. The Safe System approach strives to a road infrastructure that is designed in such a way that road users can interact safely and, in case road users collide, the consequences are not serious. Lowering the speed limits and thereby driving speeds, may result in lower impact speeds in crashes. When impact speeds are in accordance to the human body’s tolerance, chances of surviving a crash for vulnerable road users colliding with motorised traffic may increase. Hereby, the behaviour of road users and intersection design are important factors. The underlying societal aim of this study is to provide information needed to improve the road safety issues related to the interactions between cyclists and motorised traffic at rural intersections. More specifically, this thesis aims to provide information to make these interactions safer by examining how the factors road users’ behaviour and intersection design play a role in the interaction between cyclists and car drivers at rural intersections Therefore, this thesis focuses on how the factors road users’ behaviour and intersection design affect the interaction between cyclists and car drivers at rural intersections.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Wegman, F.C.M., Supervisor
  • van Wee, G.P., Supervisor
Award date21 Apr 2021
Print ISBNs978-90-73946-20-0
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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