Spin-valley polarized quantum anomalous Hall effect and a valley-controlled half-metal in bilayer graphene

Xuechao Zhai, Yaroslav M. Blanter

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We investigate topological phases of bilayer graphene subject to antiferromagnetic exchange fields, interlayer bias, and light irradiation. We discover that at finite bias and light intensity the system transitions into a previously unknown spin-valley polarized quantum anomalous Hall (SVP-QAH) insulator state, for which the subsystem of one spin is a valley Hall topological insulator (TI) and that of the other spin is a QAH insulator. We assess the TI phases occurring in the system by analytically calculating the spin-valley-dependent Chern number and characterize them by considering edge states in a nanoribbon. We demonstrate that the SVP-QAH edge states lead to a unique spin rectification effect in a domain wall. Along the phase boundary, we observe a bulk half-metal state with Berry's phase of 2π.

Original languageEnglish
Article number155425
Number of pages6
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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