Strain partitioning and damage initiation in a continuously cooled carbide free bainitic steel

O. Hajizad, A. Kumar, R. H. Petrov, J. Sietsma, R. Dollevoet, Z. Li*

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Microscopic stress and strain partitioning control the mechanical and damage behavior of multiphase steels. Using a combined numerical and experimental approach, local strain distributions and deformation localization are characterized in a carbide free bainitic steel produced by continuous cooling. The microstructure of the steel consists of bainite (aggregate of bainitic ferrite and thin film retained austenite), martensite and blocky retained austenite. Numerical simulations were done using a von Mises J2 plasticity flow rule and also a phenomenological crystal plasticity material model. The representative volume element (RVE) was created using a realistic 2D geometry captured through Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD). These simulations describe the strain distribution and deformation localization in this steel. To validate the simulation results, local strain maps were obtained experimentally via in-situ tensile testing using micro digital image correlation (µDIC) in scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The information gained from numerical and experimental data gave valuable insight regarding the microstructural features responsible for strain partitioning and damage initiation in this carbide free bainitic steel. The results of the modelling show that martensite, martensite/bainitic ferrite interfaces, interface orientation with respect to tensile direction, bainitic ferrite size and phase composition influence the strain partitioning in this carbide free bainitic steel.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110965
Number of pages14
JournalComputational Materials Science
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Carbide free bainitic steel
  • Crystal plasticity fast Fourier transform (CPFFT)
  • Crystal plasticity finite element method (CPFEM)
  • Damage initiation
  • Microstructural modeling


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