The Density of Time: A gathering body of experiences

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We tend to think of ideas and discourses as disembodied entities, but they are shaped by our continuous interaction with the environment and they get incorporated into the places in which we dwell, especially our own homes. -is short 1lm explores how Aldo and Hannie van Eyck’s ideas on architecture and exhibition design are corporally present, materialised in their own house in Loenen van de Vecht, in the building itself, in their art collection’s cross cultural nature, in the vibration of the exhibited objects, in the non-pedigree selection and compositional strategies. -e Van Eycks, by dwelling in this house and performing actions within it, both constructed the interior as a sum of their experiences, but also were shaped by the interior itself, which determined the values and expectations that accumulated on, in, and through their bodies, in2icting their embodied identities. How to approach this house today? How to capture its temporal density and unpack the inscribed architectural ideas? -is short 1lm presents the house as a gathering body of experiences, brought together through audiovisual means. Di3erent times collide and intersect: Aldo van Eyck in the 80s, Tess van Eyck in early 2000s, and myself in 2018, re-enacting their movements through the interior. Time is thus conceived as a dense, layered accumulation of entanglements that re-appear only through the use of our own bodies. […]
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventA Question of Time: In search of temporal strategies for an architecture of transition - Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Paris, France
Duration: 26 Sept 202427 Sept 2024


ConferenceA Question of Time
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