The influence of a porous, compliant layer with overlying discrete roughness elements as exhaust pipe wall on friction and heat transfer

C. Reurings*, S. Koussios, O. K. Bergsma, W. P. Breugem, K. Vergote, L. Paeshuyse, R. Benedictus

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The purpose of this work is to experimentally establish the combined influence on the flow and thermal resistance of an exhaust pipe wall formed by a porous, compliant layer with overlying discrete roughness elements exposed to the pulsating exhaust gas flow of a combustion engine. Through measuring the streamwise pressure drop over and radial temperature differences in different pipe samples for a range of flow states with different Reynolds numbers and non-dimensional pulsation frequencies, the effects were discerned. The configurations of the sample walls covered a range of mesh pitches, compliant-layer densities, and compliant-layer compression ratios. The (non-sinusoidally) pulsating exhaust gas flow spanned the following range: Reb (= ubD/νb) = 1⋅ 104 - 3⋅ 104, Tb = 500 - 800 C, ω+(= ωνb/uτ2) = 0.003 - 0.040. The friction factors were found to be effectively constant with Reynolds number and non-dimensional pulsation frequency while the variation with insulation density/compression was not significant. Additionally, for both mesh pitches, the measured friction factors were in line with those reported in literature for similar geometries with steady flow and solid walls. Together this indicates that neither compliance nor the pulsations in the exhaust gas flow significantly affect the friction for this configuration. Comparison of the samples based on the derived thermal resistance showed a similar influence of the fluid-wall interface as for the friction. Additionally a distinct influence of compression, independent of the insulation density, was observed that increases with increasing temperature. It was concluded that the increased resistance was due to additional radiation resistance because of fibre reorientation due to compression.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2367-2387
Number of pages21
JournalHeat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2020


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