Understanding piezoelectric composite–based actuators with nonlinear and 90 domain walls effects

Peerawan Wiwattananon, Otto Bergsma, Harald Bersee

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Piezoelectric materials possess nonlinear behavior when actuated in a large electric field and show a large deflection when embedded inside a composite laminate such as a LIghtweight Piezoelectric Composite Actuator. Linear and nonlinear COMSOL multi-physics finite element models were developed and validated using the actuation response of three different layups of LIghtweight Piezoelectric Composite Actuators under a cantilever beam configuration. The linear model incorporated the linear piezoelectric coefficient given from the manufacturer, while the nonlinear model incorporated the nonlinear piezoelectric coefficient plus permanent strain offset in the piezoelectric material as a result of a high applied electric field. The linear model significantly underestimated the experimental values of the actuator response and it showed that taking nonlinearity and permanent strain offset into account is an essential practice when an actuator is operated in high electric fields and accurate prediction is required.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1738-1754
JournalJournal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
Issue number13
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • actuator
  • piezoelectric
  • active composites
  • piezoceramics


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