UNSPEAKABLE: Hidden curriculum of transdisciplinary skills

J.B.J. Groot Kormelink, F.L. Hooimeijer*, E. Kalmar, R.G. Klaassen, S.P.S. Postema*, M.M. Rutten, J. Schasfoort, K. Schneider, F.A.M. Snel, C. Wehrmann, B.T.C. Zandbergen, S. Zijlstra*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterScientific

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This project (poster) explores and maps transdisciplinary skills in the TU Delft curricula and challenge based education. Courses to address these skills have been identified by means of keyword search in the course descriptions. Interviews are used to explore the transdisciplinary approaches addressing reasons, values, learning activities, assessment and professionalisation. The exploration was initiated by a multidisciplinary group of educators from different TU Delft faculties. The initiators noticed that transdisciplinary skills are regularly part of a hidden curriculum, delicate to define or grasp, bear different names, are rarely made explicit or maybe even are considered a taboo. As such, the transdisciplinary skills remain unspeakable.

The exploration is made within the Technical University of Delft. It is to be expected that lessons learned will not be exclusive to this context and can be applied in other settings that aim for societal impact of science and education as well.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventInternational Transdisciplinarity Conference: Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Beyond Buzzwords - spoorwegmuseum, Utrecht, Netherlands
Duration: 4 Nov 20248 Nov 2024


ConferenceInternational Transdisciplinarity Conference
Abbreviated titleITD
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