Use of Facebook and Google Platforms for SMEs Business Model Innovation

Rimantas Gatautis, Elena Vitkauskaitė, G.A. de Reuver

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

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Development of information communication technologies brings  increasingly more opportunities for optimising various processes and  activities of organisations. In the case of platforms, such a s Facebook and  Google, it is especially relevant to small and medium - sized enterprises.  SMEs can adopt ready - to - use information communication technology  solutions provided by those platforms for different aspects of their  business. The paper aims to find out how SMEs use possibilities of such  platforms to innovate business models. Two cases of Lithuanian SMEs are  analysed to check the theoretical assumptions summarised in the paper. The  case analysis indicates, that use of the platforms contributes to reaching  (new) target customers, making adjustments to value propositions,  maintaining customer relationships, channels, and thus becoming key  resources and supporting key activities, therefore become key partners.  

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 30st Bled eConference
EditorsA. Puciha, M Kljajić Borštnar, C. Kittl
PublisherUniversity of Maribor Press
Number of pages16
ISBN (Print)978-961-286- 43-1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event30th Bled eConference: Digital Transformation – From Connecting Things to Transforming Our Lives - Bled, Slovenia
Duration: 18 Jun 201721 Jun 2017
Conference number: 30


Conference30th Bled eConference: Digital Transformation – From Connecting Things to Transforming Our Lives


  • Platform
  • Business model innovat ion
  • Facebook
  • Google


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