Validation of an engineering model for vortex generators in a viscous-inviscid interaction method for airfoil analysis

Abhratej Sahoo, Carlos Simao Ferreira, Akshay Koodly Ravishankara, Gerard Schepers, Wei Yu

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As the demand for renewable energy increases, wind turbine rotors will become larger with slender blades. Vortex Generators (VGs) are used for passive flow control to avoid flow separation and reduce unsteady loading on the thick root section of slender blades due to their simplicity, inexpensiveness, and the ability to retrofit them to blades. Aerodynamic load calculations for VGs involve long experimental campaigns or resource intensive CFD calculations. Due to their inherent time-intensive nature aeroelastic optimisation and design tools prefer to use simplified but accurate analysis tools for aerodynamic load calculations of clean airfoils. One such class of tools are viscous-inviscid interaction solvers that use Integral Boundary Layer (IBL) methods for viscous calculations in the boundary layer coupled with an inviscid solver for the rest of the domain. The most popular example of this tool is XFOIL. An engineering model for VGs in IBL methods has previously been developed and implemented in XFOIL. In this research, the model parameters are tuned for implementation in another tool RFOIL based on XFOIL. RFOIL has been developed for accurate and robust analysis of wind turbine airfoils with improvements for thick airfoils and rotational corrections. The aerodynamic performance predicted the VG model in both XFOIL and RFOIL is then validated with an extensive database of airfoil data consisting of airfoils between 21% to 60% thickness, as well as Reynolds numbers between 1 million to 14 million, equipped with and without VGs. Finally, the computation time for the VG model is compared with that for a clean airfoil analysis in the same viscous-inviscid interaction solvers RFOIL and XFOIL. The investigation provides an overview of the usability of the engineering model in airfoil design methodologies in the wind turbine industry.

Original languageEnglish
Article number112012
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Event12th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2023 - Delft, Netherlands
Duration: 2 Jul 20235 Jul 2023


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