Wave-Influenced Delta Morphodynamics, Long-Term Sediment Bypass and Trapping Controlled by Relative Magnitudes of Riverine and Wave-Driven Sediment Transport

F. Zăinescu*, J. E.A. Storms, A. Vespremeanu-Stroe, H. Van Der Vegt, M. Schuster, E. Anthony

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River sediment supply (Qs) and longshore sediment transport (LST) are recognized as two paramount controls on river delta morphodynamics and stratigraphy. We employed the Delft3D model to simulate the evolution of deltas from fluvial to wave-dominated conditions, revealing the interplay between river- and wave-driven sediment quantities. Wave-influenced deltas may show alternating accumulation and retreat patterns driven by avulsions and wave-induced sediment diffusion, posing coastal management challenges. Deltas with higher wave energy evolve under a fine balance between river supply and intense wave-mediated sediment redistribution and are highly vulnerable under conditions of sediment reduction. Reducing Qs by ∼40%–70%, common in modern dammed rivers, can rapidly shift bypass from ∼0 to 1 (no bypass to complete bypass). This leads to accelerated diffusion and potential sediment loss in modern deltas. The study highlights the importance of accurately computing sediment quantities in real-world deltas for improved management, especially under increasing anthropogenic and climatic pressures.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2024GL111069
Number of pages12
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • delft3d
  • delta
  • morphodynamics
  • river
  • sediment transport
  • water


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