Wave transmission at submerged coastal structures and artificial reefs

Marcel R.A. van Gent*, Lisanne Buis, Jeroen P. van den Bos, Davide Wüthrich

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Wave transmission at low-crested coastal structures has been studied, based on physical model tests with trapezoidal impermeable, permeable and perforated structures. The differences between wave transmission at impermeable and permeable structures are relatively limited. For a perforated hollow structure with an impermeable vertical screen in the middle, the wave transmission is significantly less than for perforated structures without an impermeable vertical screen; the blocking of the orbital motion by the screen significantly reduces wave transmission. The effectiveness of an impermeable vertical screen to block the orbital motion and consequently reduce wave transmission assists designers of artificial reefs to design structures that reduce wave transmission. Empirical expressions based on a hyperbolic tangent function have been derived to describe the test results. For permeable structures also available data for emerged structures has been used in the analysis, and the newly introduced expression appears to be accurate for both submerged and emerged permeable structures.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104344
Number of pages14
JournalCoastal Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Artificial reefs
  • Breakwaters
  • Coastal structures
  • Design guidelines
  • Impermeable structures
  • Perforated structures
  • Physical model tests
  • Rubble mound breakwaters
  • Wave transmission


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