Wenzhouxiangella Strain AB-CW3, a Proteolytic Bacterium From Hypersaline Soda Lakes That Preys on Cells of Gram-Positive Bacteria

Dimitry Y. Sorokin, Damon Mosier, Jackie K. Zorz, Xiaoli Dong, Marc Strous*

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A new haloalkaliphilic species of Wenzhouxiangella, strain AB-CW3, was isolated from a system of hypersaline alkaline soda lakes in the Kulunda Steppe using cells of Staphylococcus aureus as growth substrate. AB-CW3’s complete, circular genome was assembled from combined nanopore and Illumina sequencing and its proteome was determined for three different experimental conditions. AB-CW3 is an aerobic gammaproteobacterium feeding mainly on proteins and peptides. Unique among Wenzhouxiangella, it uses a flagellum for motility, fimbria for cell attachment and is capable of complete denitrification. AB-CW3 can use proteins derived from living or dead cells of Staphylococcus and other Gram-positive bacteria as the carbon and energy source. It encodes and expresses production of a novel Lantibiotic, a class of antimicrobial peptides which have so far only been found to be produced by Gram-positive bacteria. AB-CW3 likely excretes this peptide via a type I secretion system encoded upstream of the genes for production of the Lanthipeptide. Comparison of AB-CW3’s genome to 18 other Wenzhouxiangella genomes from marine, hypersaline, and soda lake habitats indicated one or two transitions from marine to soda lake environments followed by a transition of W. marina back to the oceans. Only 19 genes appear to set haloalkaliphilic Wenzhouxiangella apart from their neutrophilic relatives. As strain AB-CW3 is only distantly related to other members of the genus, we propose to provisionally name it “Wenzhouxiangella alkaliphila”.

Original languageEnglish
Article number597686
Number of pages14
JournalFrontiers in Microbiology
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • bacteriovores
  • comparative genomics
  • denitrification
  • lantibiotic
  • nanopore sequencing
  • proteolytic alkaline soda lake
  • Wenzhouxiangella


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