Where’d my Neighbour Go? Collective Reflections on the Self and the Neighbourhood in Discussions on Climate Gentrification

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Cities are spaces of struggle and contestation. Growing concerns over the climate crisis coupled with growing city populations have risen the urgency for public policies that prioritise climate risk management, adaptation, and mitigation efforts in cities. In this article, we will reflect on an experimental exercise on collective self-inquiry in discussions on climate gentrification, which we organised for the LDE-GMD Centre’s ”Rethinking urban governance for the future of diverse and mobile cities’’ conference held on 5 April 2023. Our experience suggests that exercises that evoke collective reflection can help connect often abstract discussions on climate gentrification with people’s everyday experiences in their neighbourhoods.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputBlog
PublisherLeiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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