Which visual cues do drivers use to anticipate and slow down in freeway curve approach? An eye-tracking, think-aloud on-road study

Johan Vos*, Joost de Winter, Haneen Farah, Marjan Hagenzieker

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Although much research is done on speed and gaze behaviour inside curves, there is little understanding of which cues drivers use to anticipate and slow down while approaching curves. Therefore, an on road experiment was conducted in which 31 participants drove through six freeway curves in their own car. During the experiment, look-ahead fixations and speed were recorded using an eye-tracker and a GPS tracker, respectively. In addition to these measurements, the participants verbalised their reasons for changing speed. The distribution of fixations over various areas of interest was investigated around the start of deceleration before each curve and around the start of each curve. Verbalisation data were analysed to infer the number and types of reasons for changing speed and when these were mentioned together with mentions of deceleration before a curve. The results showed that before starting to decelerate, the participants fixated mostly on the Focus of Expansion and edges parallel to the curve trajectory, whereas most fixations on warning or speed signs were recorded mostly after participants started to decelerate. These findings suggest that drivers use information from the Focus of Expansion, be it a change in optical flow or the presence of a kink in the alignment, as the main cue to start decelerating. Parallel edges are also important cues, whereas warning and speed signs are primarily used to confirm that a speed change is needed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)190-211
Number of pages22
JournalTransportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Deceleration
  • Focus of Expansion
  • Horizontal curve
  • Look-ahead fixations
  • Signs
  • Verbal protocol analysis


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