Working towards academic knowledge integration: Facilitating integral design of multifunctional flood defenses

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The MFFD research program aims for integral design of multifunctional flood defenses. A team of academic researchers from multiple disciplinary backgrounds would integrate their knowledge to reach this goal. The aim of the current research project was to design and organize an interactive trajectory by means of Action Research to facilitate the collaboration process within the research program. This was easier said than done. In the very first team meeting, the researchers discussed ‘the definition of a MFFD’, and it became clear that many concepts featuring in the design of a MFFD meant different things to different participants. The challenge became clear: how could we integrate these different perspectives towards an integral design?

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIntegral Design of Multifunctional Flood Defenses
Subtitle of host publicationMultidisciplinary Approaches and Examples
EditorsBaukje Kothuis, Matthijs Kok
PublisherDelft University Publishers
ISBN (Print)978-94-6186-808-4
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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