Zero-emission Fueling Infrastructure for IWT: Optimizing the Connection between Upstream Energy Supply and Downstream Energy Demand

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

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A key challenge in the energy transition for Inland Water Transport is the functional design of bunker networks and first-order dimensioning of individual bunker stations. A fundamental ingredient for this is an improved understanding of how upstream energy supply (‘well-to-bunker-station’) and downstream demand (‘bunker-station-to-tank’) may interconnect. In this paper we discuss an approach to the design of bunkering networks that takes logistic modelling to estimate network scale energy demand as a starting point. Depending on the vessels that use the network and the anticipated fuel mix for the overall fleet, logistical modelling may be used to estimate the magnitude of the energy demand along the network. Estimates of the operational range of vessels per energy carrier help to estimate maximum bunker station inter-distances. Insight into the potential supply chains that connect the source of each energy carrier to a physical bunker facility is needed to close the loop. Energy carriers may be needed on board in a gaseous or liquid form, or in the form of electrons. Transfer may take place in the form of loading (e.g., filling the fuel tank, charging the battery pack) or swapping (e.g., exchanging fuel containers, exchanging battery containers). Depending on the energy carrier, transfer method(s) and demand quantities, functional designs of bunker stations (in terms of required system elements and their order-of-magnitude dimensions) can be made. Depending on service level requirements both the dimensions of individual bunker stations and their spread over the network may be optimized. Key contribution of this work is a thorough overview of aspects that play a role in the design of bunker infrastructure for the decarbonisation of inland shipping. Based on this overview steps for further research are recommended.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPROCEEDINGS OF MOSES2023 CONFERENCE
PublisherTU Delft OPEN Publishing
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event4th International Conference On Modelling And Optimisation Of Ship Energy Systems - Delft, Netherlands
Duration: 26 Oct 202327 Oct 2023


Conference4th International Conference On Modelling And Optimisation Of Ship Energy Systems
Abbreviated titleMOSES2023
Internet address


  • Inland Water Transport
  • Bunkering
  • Well-to-Bunker-Station
  • Bunker-Station-to-Tank


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