Documentary 'Post-Pandemic Public Spaces'

Press/Media: Public Engagement


After a pandemic year with no public space worldwide, it was time to look further and ask what has changed in public space. Three Honours Programme BSc students who participated in the research group 'The Design of Public Space' made a documentary series. This documentary gives a view into the changes in thinking about design, mobility, inequality, and our behaviour.


It is a time document that will later say that the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated some important transitions in public space, but has also created significant new challenges. The vision of the future of our public space is thematically presented in eight fascinating interviews with Nathalie de Vries, Ton Venhoeven, Ellen van Bueren, Edzo Bindels, Annemieke Fontein, Lior Steinberg, Linda Zuiderwijk and Co Verdaas.


More information

The documentary series can be viewed on YouTube. The makers are the BSc students Matt van Kessel, Hanlin Stuer, and Olivier Wiegerinck and are supervised by Maurice Harteveld of the Urbanism department.

Period15 Jul 2021 → 15 Jun 2022

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleDocumentary 'Post-Pandemic Public Spaces'
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionAfter a pandemic year with no public space worldwide, it was time to look further and ask what has changed in public space. Three Honours Programme BSc students who participated in the research group 'The Design of Public Space' made a documentary series. This documentary gives a view into the changes in thinking about design, mobility, inequality, and our behaviour.

    It is a time document that will later say that the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated some important transitions in public space, but has also created significant new challenges. The vision of the future of our public space is thematically presented in eight fascinating interviews with Nathalie de Vries, Ton Venhoeven, Ellen van Bueren, Edzo Bindels, Annemieke Fontein, Lior Steinberg, Linda Zuiderwijk and Co Verdaas.

    More information
    The documentary series can be viewed on YouTube.

    The makers are the BSc students Matt van Kessel, Hanlin Stuer and Olivier Wiegerinck and are supervised by Maurice Harteveld of the Urbanism department.
    Producer/AuthorFaculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft
    PersonsM.G.A.D. Harteveld
  • TitleDocumentaire ‘Post-Pandemic Public Spaces’
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionNa een pandemisch jaar, wereldwijd zonder openbare ruimte, was het tijd om verder te kijken en ons af te vragen wat is er nu veranderd in de openbare ruimte. Drie Honours program studenten BSc die in de research group ‘The Design of Public Space’ hebben meegelopen, hebben een documentairereeks gemaakt. Deze documentaire geeft een blik op de veranderingen in het denken over het ontwerp, de mobiliteit, de ongelijkheid, en ons gedrag.

    Het is een tijdsdocument waarvan later zal worden gezegd dat de COVID-19 crisis een aantal belangrijke transities in de openbare ruimte hebben versneld, maar ook voor belangrijke nieuwe uitdagingen heeft gezorgd. De visie op de toekomst van onze openbare ruimte komt thematisch naar voren vanuit acht boeiende interviews met Nathalie de Vries, Ton Venhoeven, Ellen van Bueren, Edzo Bindels, Annemieke Fontein, Lior Steinberg, Linda Zuiderwijk en Co Verdaas.

    Meer informatie
    De documentaire reeks is terug te zien via YouTube.
    De makers zijn de BSc studenten Matt van Kessel, Hanlin Stuer en Olivier Wiegerinck en zijn begeleid door Maurice Harteveld van de afdeling Urbanism.
    Producer/AuthorFaculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft
    PersonsM.G.A.D. Harteveld


  • public space
  • Public Space
  • pandemic
  • COVID-19
  • urban design
  • urban sociology
  • city of the future
  • mobility
  • inequality
  • behaviour
  • behavior